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Dream Centres exist to serve people from every stratum of society and all walks of life, irrespective of their caste or creed; through its innovative initiatives. Each Dream Center is conceptualized and set up after completion of a Needs & Situational Analysis (Community Survey). The Data collected is analyzed by a team of skilled Social Workers, after which an appropriate intervention plan is put in place and rolled out
We exist to serve people. We love God and our love for God is best expressed in our love for people and a love for life. We have a common shared vision to serve people through innovative and sustainable ministries, projects and life coaching. We believe in releasing, developing and facilitating people, no matter who they are or where they come from, with a special emphasis on nurturing the next generation, focusing on family, children and youth.
Desi sisterhood launched its first event 'Discover the Purpose of Pain' Naomi Hendricks hosted and anchored the event at which Beena Samuel, Gwen Athaide & Naomi Pereira, shared their experiences of pain and their journey of hope. Women spoke of a "sense of awakening", discovered how anxiety is common and learnt that its good to be open with a trusted friend and "women should know how to stand with self dignity"
+91 84339 69667